The noncomMUSIC Alliance seeks to empower local public radio music stations to better serve their communities, artists, and the music economy.
Public Radio Music
Local public radio music stations:
- Help us discover music we love, from classical to jazz to Triple A
- Engage us with expert local hosts and news about music, artists and local events
- Provide what is often the only platform for regional music and musicians
- Bolster the local music economy
- Serve as cultural hubs with community services, education, and music that otherwise would be unavailable to their regions
The Issue
Today’s public radio music stations want to present music on multiple traditional and digital platforms:
- on-air broadcasts
- online streams and podcasts
- on video platforms
- onstage in their studios and in their communities.
Yet changes to copyright laws and practices over the years have created a complicated, confusing web. Stations must understand and navigate multiple layers of licensing requirements to present one song or program on new or multiple platforms. The cumbersome copyright laws limit noncommercial, nonprofit radio stations’ ability to: create new digital programming, boost new or regional music and artists, and connect audiences with music via new online, video, live and interactive formats.
The Solution
Fix outdated, overly complex copyright laws so they work for everyone.
Empower public radio stations to better serve their communities.
The noncomMUSIC Alliance supports:
- Simplifying music licensing procedures for public broadcasting via traditional and digital platforms.
- Removing unneeded constraints that prevent local public radio stations from introducing and promoting new and emerging artists and broadcasting educational music content.
By streamlining copyright licensing requirements for public radio stations, the U.S. can ensure that noncommercial local music stations, artists, and the music economy thrive.